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Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions 2014 21 - 26 September 2014, Canberra, Australia


The Conference proceedings will be published as a regular volume of the journal Hyperfine Interactions (Springer). Invited talks as well as oral and poster presentations will be included in the conference proceedings. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed according to standard international procedures before being accepted for publication in the conference proceedings.


The procedure for submitting manuscripts is the essentially same as for the previous HFINQI2012 conference (Beijing, China). An important difference with HFINQI conference proceedings prior to HFINQI2012 is that there is no a priori page limit any more. This policy change is due to the fact that the local conference organisers no longer request a printed volume of the proceedings.

Hyperfine Interactions uses an online submission system. The website for online submission to Hyperfine Interactions is: You can login to the submission system using the "LOGIN" button or "SUBMIT A MANUSCRIPT" button at the top left of the web-page after registering yourself with the "REGISTER" button. You will be asked to indicate which conference your submission is intended for. Please select "HFINQI2014".
A wide range of submission file formats for text and illustration is supported. The most common submission file format is a Word-file. You can get more detailed author instructions from the following
Feel free to use as many pages as necessary.


Deadline for the electronic submission of manuscripts is noon on the first day of the conference, 22 September (Monday) 2014.

Open Access

With the consent of Springer, publisher of Hyperfine Interactions, the final accepted version of all peer reviewed and accepted conference manuscripts will be published on the website of CERN where the conference manuscripts of HFINQI2010 and HFINQI2012 conferences already can be found. It is the purpose to use this database also as a repository for future HFINQI conference proceedings in order to facilitate access for the scientific community.
All these conference manuscripts can be downloaded free of charge.
To assist correct citation of the conference articles clear indications are given of the corresponding Hyperfine Interactions issues and page numbers.
Please notice that this free open access offered to the conference participants and their community is different from the open access offered to the authors, against payment, by Springer upon publication of their manuscript. Authors should not feel obliged to buy this.