Speaker Zone
Invited Talk
Speakers invited by the Programme Committee will be allocated 25 minutes for "invited oral presentations" with 5 additional minutes for questions and discussion.
- PowerPoint or PDF projection will be available.
- Bring your presentation PowerPoint/PDF slides or.pdf files on a memory stick to the speaker's preparation room well ahead of your session or at the latest on the morning of your presentation, so it can be loaded onto the projection computer. We encourage you to also bring a back-up of your presentation on a separate storage device and make you aware that any audio visual content of your slides may not automatically transfer correctly to the projection computer.
Oral Presentations
15 minutes will be allocated for oral presentations with 5 minutes for questions. Oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts by the Programme Committee.
- PowerPoint or PDF projection will be available.
- Bring your presentation slides as PowerPoint or .pdf files on a memory stick to the speaker's preparation room well ahead of your session, at the latest on the morning of your presentation, so it can be loaded onto the projection computer. We encourage you to also bring a back-up of your presentation on a separate storage device and make you aware that any audio visual content of your slides may not automatically transfer correctly to the projection computer.
Poster Presentations
Papers selected by the Programme Committee for poster presentations will be on display in one of the two poster sessions.
- Posters must not be larger than A0 or fit approximately into an A0 frame
- Authors are expected to attend their posters during the allocated poster session.
- Posters should include a title, the authors' names and the name of the institution where the work was carried out. We encourage presenters to structure posters well and to effectively combine written text with informative diagrams and photos.
Key Dates to Remember
- Last date for abstract submissions 30 May 2014
- Notification of acceptance/non acceptance 30 June 2014
- Last date for presenters to register for conference 21 July 2014
- HFI NQI 2014 commences 21 September 2014